Add subtitles to videos automatically

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A screenshot of Zubtitle, a subtitling and video editor application

80% of social media videos are watched on mute

To get people to stop scrolling and watch your video, you need to grab their attention. And with 80% of people browsing social media with the volume off, you need to do so even with your video muted.

Save time

With our state-of-the-art software, Zubtitle optimizes your videos for social media in just minutes.

Spend less

Zubtitle costs less than half the price of hiring a virtual assistant to add captions or edit your videos.

Ditch confusing apps

Say goodbye to hard-to-use professional video editing software. Let Zubtitle handle all the heavy lifting.

Stop transcribing

Zubtitle automatically transcribes the speech in your video and converts it to video captions.

Get your message across even on mute

Start now for free and watch Zubtitle automatically transcribe the spoken words from your video and add the text as timed captions.

Burn captions directly into widescreen, square, and vertical videos.

Edit the captions for spelling/grammar and timing.

Choose from a wide range of caption styles and fonts.

Download .TXT and .SRT transcription files.

Get started free
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A screenshot of a video edited with Zubtitle easy online video editor, showing a caucasian man with the title "We need to talk" a modal showing Zubtitle's online video editor interface for adding automatic captions to video
Cómo transcribir automáticamente tus vídeos
a picture of an influencer woman with her hands open talking about how to transcribe your videos automatically to any language using Zubtitle's online editor
Hoy, 80% de los videos de las redes sociales se reproducen en mute
What language is spoken in your video?
This is your default language

Automatically transcribe your videos in any language

Our auto-subtitle tool supports over 60 spoken languages, allowing you to avoid wasting time on manual transcription or dealing with cumbersome software.









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Go from idea to upload in minutes

Hit record, then plug your video into Zubtitle. Watch as we caption your video automatically with amazing accuracy.

Get started free
No credit card required

Step 1: Upload

Upload your video in any size or aspect ratio, select your language, and get ready to watch Zubtitle work its magic.

Step 2: Transcribe & Caption

Our A.I. transcribes the spoken word in your video, converts it to text, and automatically adds open captions to your video.

Step 3: Edit & Customize

Edit your caption text and timing as needed, then style them with custom fonts and colors or select from one of our pre-made templates.

Step 4: Share

Within minutes, your video is ready to download and share online, complete with burned-in captions, custom styling, and more.

Create your first video with Zubtitle

See why creators love using Zubtitle – start editing your videos risk free with two video credits on us!