Frequently asked questions
Have questions not listed here? Contact our team and we'll be happy to help:
Can I cancel or change plans at any time?

Yes. You have full control over your account & subscriptions. You can cancel or change plans at any time.
Does Zubtitle work on mobile phones?

Yes. Zubtitle is mobile friendly on both iOS & Android devices.
Is there a free or trial version?

Yes. The Free Trial plan lets you upload 1 video and access all the video editing features (including captioning) at no cost.
Can I get just the .SRT file?

Yes. For each video that is processed with Zubtitle, a .txt or .srt file can be downloaded.
What are the video upload requirements?

Zubtitle currently accepts only videos that meet the following criteria: .mp4, .mov, or .m4v format, less than 1.0 GB, H.264 codec (H.265/HEVC codecs can be used in Safari browsers only), resolution up to 4096x2160, 20 minutes or less in duration
Have questions not listed here? Contact our team and we'll be happy to help: