5 Places to Repurpose Your YouTube Videos

The best way to get the most possible mileage out of your video content is to repurpose your YouTube videos on other platforms.

October 27, 2023
5 min read
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5 places to repurpose your YouTube videos

Video content is effective, but it can also take some time and effort to produce. Especially YouTube videos! Studies have shown that, on average, creators spend about 7 hours creating 1-5 minutes of video content for YouTube. That means, depending on the length of your YouTube video, it likely took you hours and hours (or days!) of filming and editing to end up with your final product. And that’s why it’s so important to repurpose your YouTube videos.

By repurposing your videos on other platforms, you get the most possible mileage out of one video, as well as the widest possible reach. Luckily, YouTube videos are very versatile and easy to repurpose. We’re here with some recommendations on the best places to repurpose your YouTube videos.

5 Places to Repurpose Your YouTube Videos

1. TikTok

With its ever-increasing popularity, TikTok is a fantastic place to repurpose your YouTube videos. But it’s not necessarily the first place creators will think of, simply because of the length limitations. On YouTube, any account can upload a video that is a maximum of 15 minutes in length. If you have a verified account, you can upload YouTube videos that are up to 12 hours long. But on TikTok, videos can only be 10 minutes maximum.

That’s why you’ll want to break your YouTube video up into “micro” videos. Essentially, all you have to do to create a micro-video from your YouTube video is to choose a short clip and repurpose it for TikTok. Take a look at what type of content is performing well on TikTok and what length is typically the most successful for you and use those stipulations as a guidepost for selecting a clip from your YouTube video.

Keep in mind that you’ll also want to optimize your video for TikTok by resizing it to a vertical sizing (9:16 aspect ratio). If you want to make it easy to repurpose your YouTube video for TikTok with just a few clicks, try using Zubtitle. With our video editor, you can quickly trim your video, resize it, add captions, and more! Check out this video for a full walkthrough.

Pro tip: You can also break your YouTube video into multiple micro-videos and release them sequentially as a series on TikTok. 

2. Facebook

Facebook is a super easy place to repurpose your YouTube videos, since the length limit isn’t as restricted as some other platforms. If you want to upload your entire YouTube video to Facebook, instead of breaking it up into bite-sized pieces, you likely can. Facebook currently allows videos up to 240 minutes in length. 

If you scroll through video content on Facebook, you’ll likely notice a lot of videos that have been edited to include an eye-catching headline and captions and resized to a square aspect ratio. That’s because visual elements like these can get more eyes on your video, especially on a competitive, fast-scrolling platform like Facebook. If you’re going to repurpose your YouTube videos for Facebook, you’ll want to add captions and other visual eye-catchers. The good news? You can add all of those to your video in just a few clicks with Zubtitle.

3. Instagram

Instagram is another platform where you’ll likely want to opt for micro-videos. Although you can technically upload videos to your Instagram grid that are up to 60 minutes in length, it’s important to remember how Instagram is designed. You see, Instagram has a video preview feature that ensures your followers will only see the first 60 seconds of your video before it pauses. In order to keep viewing your content, the user has to hit the Keep Watching button.

That’s why keeping your video shorter can be more effective on Instagram. If you stay under that 60-second mark, you’re guaranteed to not lose viewers to the video preview function. Just like your TikTok videos, you can take a longer YouTube video with a few obvious points so that it’s easier to naturally break it up (e.g. take a roughly 5-minute video with 5 points and split it up into 5 1-minute videos).

4. LinkedIn

Just like TikTok and Instagram, Linkedin is a great place to repurpose your YouTube video after you’ve broken it up into shorter videos. While LinkedIn does allow native videos up to 10 minutes, the most successful ones clock around 2-3 minutes in length. Don’t forget to use Zubtitle to resize your video to square and add captions and a headline for optimal performance!

5. Pinterest

Here’s something you may not know: Pinterest users love video content — they watch close to one billion videos a day on the platform. And the platform itself also loves video content. In fact, Pinterest actually prioritizes video pins in their internal search. That makes Pinterest a great place to repurpose your YouTube videos.

Try taking some micro-videos (just like you’d use for TikTok) and creating a mini-series on Pinterest. This works especially well for videos that involve telling a story, showing off products, or delving into something meaningful. Upload each micro-video as a separate video and pin them to the same board. Don’t forget to make each video’s spot in the mini-series clear in the pin title/description so viewers can watch them in order. 

What are your favorite places to repurpose your YouTube videos?

Tell us in the comments! And don’t forget to use Zubtitle for all of your video editing and optimizing needs! By using our one-stop tool, you won’t spend hours repurposing your YouTube videos for all of these different platforms. You can trim your video to the correct length, adjust the aspect ratio, add a logo, include a headline, and caption your video in just a few clicks. Sign up for a free account today and start creating instantly.

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