How Realtors Can Create Property Videos for Social Media

Many realtors are intimidated by the idea of learning to create property videos. We’re here to show you exactly how you can produce amazing property videos for social media.

October 27, 2023
5 min read
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How realtors can create property videos for social media

If you’re a realtor, should you be producing property videos for social media? All of the research says yes! In fact, studies have shown that video content attracts 300% more traffic for nurturing leads. Research has also proven that real estate listings with video content receive 403% more inquiries than listings without videos. It’s time to jump on the real estate video bandwagon. The truth is that many realtors are intimidated by the idea of learning to create property videos that look professional.

But don’t let that stop you! We’re here to show you exactly how to create amazing property videos for social media.

How Realtors Can Create Property Videos for Social Media

1. Plan your content

Before you start filming content, make sure you have a plan. With property videos, it’s a good idea to provide your audience with a mix of content. Try to plan out a combination of more professionally-shot videos mixed with live videos, ones where you’re behind the camera versus ones where you’re in front of the camera personally conducting a tour, videos with background music, videos with dialogue, etc. Your viewers will appreciate the range of content.

2. Provide value

Even in property videos, you don’t have to limit yourself to simply showing houses. Providing value to your audience can come in many forms, but there are three main areas that you should focus on: engaging, entertaining, and educating. Engage with your audience by being present in the comments, sending/replying to DMs, and building a community on social media. 

Entertaining your audience can really be as simple as just being yourself. Don’t go overboard trying to be funny or gregarious. Just let your own personality shine through. And, in property videos, it’s always helpful to educate your viewers about features in the home you’re showing, the area of town that the home is in, ideas about renovations and updates, etc.

3. Focus on emotions

People often make decisions based on emotions — even big life decisions (like buying a house). So when you’re creating a property video, try using emotion-based language. Paint a picture of what it would feel like to live in this home, discuss what experiences the future owner could have in various rooms, including mentions of parties and family gatherings, etc. Then give the facts and numbers that make this property appealing.

4. Include a call-to-action

This is the natural follow-up to the previous point. Once you’ve appealed to the emotions of a potential buyer and shared the major selling points of the home, the end of your property video should always include a call-to-action. Try to create a sense of urgency with your viewers by mentioning the current market and encouraging them to contact you soon. Provide a specific action you want potential clients to take (such as visiting your website, calling, emailing, checking out your YouTube channel, commenting, following your account, etc.).

5. Optimize for social media

If you want your property video to perform well on social media, then you can’t just throw anything out there. You have to optimize your video for social media… and one of the best ways to do that is with Zubtitle. When you use Zubtitle to edit your video, you can trim your video quickly, incorporate attention-grabbing titles to the top border, add automated captions effortlessly, quickly resize for any social media platform, brand your video with a logo watermark, and more. For more on Zubtitle, click here.

Do you want to create property videos for social media with Zubtitle?

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