How to Use Video for Affiliate Marketing

Video content is perfect for affiliate marketing. Let's talk about how to create affiliate videos, how to promote them, and more!

October 27, 2023
5 min read
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How to use video for affiliate marketing

We all know video content is huge right now. And that’s why there’s never been a better time to start using video for affiliate marketing. 

Video content is perfect for affiliate marketing because it’s the best way to really show off a product in an easy-to-consume, aesthetically-pleasing way. Oftentimes, people shy away from this format because they don't know exactly how to use videos for their affiliate marketing.

That’s why we’re here! We’re going to show you exactly how to use video for affiliate marketing, including what information to put in your video, how to promote it on social media, and more.

How to Use Video for Affiliate Marketing

What to Include in Your Affiliate Video

Review Videos

One of the easiest ways to use video content for affiliate marketing is to simply record yourself giving a review of the product. This video format requires very little editing and lets you spend just a minute or two detailing your favorite things about the product.

Comparison Videos

Similar to a review video, comparison videos allow you to share a review of multiple products that are similar so that you can compare and contrast them. It’s important that you provide an honest overview of these products. If you believe the product you’re promoting is the best out of the options, make sure you clearly can articulate the reasons why.

Comparison videos can also be great because they offer the potential to earn commissions off of multiple products. Doing so can also help you provide a more unbiased review since you’ll make money no matter which option the person chooses.

Video Tutorials

Video as a medium provides a great opportunity to share a tutorial or walkthrough of the product. If you’re covering any type of app or software, you can do a simple screen recording of you using the product to give people a behind-the-scenes look.

Unboxing Videos

For physical products, you may consider doing an unboxing video or demonstration of how the product is used.

The more that you can demystify the product in question, the more confidence you give your viewer to buy!

How to Promote Your Affiliate Video

On Social Media

The first and most important place that you’ll want to promote your video is on social media. This will allow you to leverage the network you've already built, and help you continue to grow it. 

Remember: when you promote your video on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., you don’t want to simply share an outside link (such as a YouTube video). Social media platforms prioritize native content. So make sure you upload your video natively to each of your social media accounts.

To make sure that your affiliate video performs well on social media, you’ll want to edit it so it’s optimized to attract the most attention for each platform you’re using. Luckily, you can do this with just a few clicks when you use Zubtitle! When you use Zubtitle to edit your video, you can incorporate attention-grabbing titles to the top border, automated captions, and a progress bar animation.

You can also quickly trim your video and resize it for any social media platform, as well as brand your video with a logo watermark. Plus, you can add all of these styling elements with just one click when you choose a pre-made template. These final touches have been known to significantly boost video views and engagement.

You’ll also want to include your affiliate link within the post. In certain cases (like on LinkedIn) you may want to provide the link in a post comment since, again, these social networks want to keep you on the platform.

For best results, give your viewers a verbal cue within the video to use your link “located in the description below.” Don't forget to mention any special discounts they may get by using your link. It may seem cliche, but your viewers will be much more likely to click the link if you prompt them to do so.

On YouTube

When you post your affiliate video on YouTube, always make sure that your video title and description are optimized for search. The easiest way to rank higher in search results and grow your channel is to use a YouTube optimization tool. We recommend trying out TubeBuddy or Morningfame.

Again, don’t forget to include your affiliate link in the video’s description.

On Your Website

It’s also recommended that you promote your video on your website by creating a blog post specifically for that affiliate video. Similar to your YouTube strategy, you can use blog content to drive traffic to your video from search engines like Google.

Make sure to embed your video directly into the blog post. If you want to create a blog post for your affiliate video quickly, try using Duplikit. This tool makes it easy to take your video content and turn them into blog posts that are SEO gold.

Want to earn 30% recurring commissions on our affiliate program?

If you want to use Zubtitle to edit and optimize your videos, you can sign up for a free account today and start creating!

While you’re at it, take a second to check out our affiliate program where you can earn 30% recurring commissions as a Zubtitle affiliate.

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