9 Ways to Repurpose Video Content

Do you want to learn more about how you can repurpose your video? Click here to learn about nine different ways you can repurpose your video content.

October 27, 2023
5 min read
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9 ways to repurpose video content

There’s no disputing that video marketing is an effective way to spread your message to your target audience. However, the fact remains that creating quality content requires a great amount of time and effort that many business leaders just don’t have.

For this reason, it can be difficult to measure the impact and ROI of a video campaign. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can maximize the usefulness of your videos.

In this article, we will share nine ways you can repurpose video content and make your video marketing investment worthwhile.

1. Convert Your Videos Into Blog Posts

Your content and video marketing campaigns are supposed to work together, not separately. That’s because many people prefer watching videos over reading blog posts, and vice versa.

Fortunately, it’s simple to convert your videos into blog posts. Using a tool like Zubtitle, you can automatically transcribe the speech in your videos and just spend a little time reformatting the transcription into a written post format.

If you want to receive an added SEO boost, you can alternatively embed your videos into the new blog post. Doing this will allow Google to process and index your videos, which can increase your website’s online ranking.

2. Add Videos To Your Emails

If you’re struggling to improve the click-through rate of your email marketing initiatives or want a creative way to create engaging newsletter content, your videos may be the answer. Studies have shown that adding a video to an email can increase its click-through rate by 300%.

That’s mainly because people are innately drawn to videos because they’re easy to access and require minimal effort to digest. In your next email or newsletter, try introducing your video to your audience.

Your introduction should be a short written teaser that excites your readers and drives interest. You can also promote the blog post version of your video content in your email blast for better results.

3. Transform Your Videos Into LinkedIn Slides

Another way to repurpose your content with minimal effort is by transforming your video content into slides. Not only are slideshows quick and easy, but your content can also receive attention from a diverse audience on SlideShare and LinkedIn. You can even use a post like this to direct traffic back to your video.

To get started, you can use Adobe Spark’s free slideshow tool to begin creating your own LinkedIn slides.

4. Trim Long Videos Into Short Clips

Users are constantly scrolling through their feeds on social media to find informative or entertaining information. It’s very unlikely that anyone would spend more than four minutes watching a video on social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram.

For this reason, if you want to increase the exposure of your video content through social media, you’ll need to break your long videos into short clips. Doing this will help you keep your audience engaged on social media, and if your video is particularly lengthy, you’ll have numerous clips to show off over the span of several weeks.

Pro tip: Use Zubtitle's trimming feature to break up your video into shorter clips.

5. Create Video Teasers

One of the best ways of maximizing exposure for your video content is to promote it on social media. However, simply posting your video on your social media profiles is not always enough to increase your views, even if it’s short or trimmed.

On social media, you only have maybe a few seconds of capturing your audience’s attention before they scroll down to something else. Use this short period of time to impress them by creating a very short video teaser that will entice them to watch your video.

Your teasers should be at least 10-15 seconds, so you should make sure that you provide exactly what you said in the teaser. People who seem disingenuous are often ignored on social media, so you don’t want to lead your audience on if you made a promise and didn’t keep it.

6. Reuse Snippets That Answer FAQs

Answering popular online questions is a perfect way to improve your watch time, SEO, and user experience. The good news is that you could have a few snippets that directly answers a question your audience may be asking online.

On your website, you can create a FAQs section by using the relative parts of your video that answer important questions. You can also develop a video series on social media that answers your audience’s FAQs as well.

7. Create Graphic Overlays

Many videos contain thousands of images, and you can use a single image as a marketing tool on social media. Simply take one captured image from your video and transform it into a stunning graphic, like so:

Businessman writing on chalkboard in order to repurpose video content

Once you’re done, you now have an amazing graphic you can post on your website or on social media.

8. Turn Your Videos Into Podcast Episodes

Podcasting is another extremely powerful way to expand your online authority in your niche. And if you’re a video creator, you’ve already done most of the work. You can repurpose your video into a podcast by extracting its audio file straight from the video. Once you’re done, you can upload it to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your podcasting platform of choice.

You can also embed the audio file along with the video on your site, while including a transcription below for people who only have time to skim through your podcast.

9. Create Step-By-Step Guides

Some people in your target audience prefer the written word over videos, and it’s your responsibility to oblige them. If you have an explainer video, you can create a guide by taking some images from your video and turning them into step-by-step graphics.

You can alternatively use the graphics as supporting images in a written guide for your audience.

Do you want to repurpose your video content?

Don’t forget to use Zubtitle for all of your video editing and optimizing needs! By using our one-stop tool, you won’t spend hours repurposing your YouTube videos for all of these different platforms. You can trim your video to the correct length, adjust the aspect ratio, add a logo, include a headline, and caption your video in just a few clicks. Sign up for a free account today and start creating instantly.

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