30+ Ways to Repurpose Video Content

It's simple to repurpose video content in multiple ways across many different platforms, allowing you to get maximum results and reach.

October 27, 2023
5 min read
30+ ways to repurpose video content

When you spend time and effort creating a great video, you probably want to get the most out of it. But if you’re only sharing your video on one platform, then you could be missing out on the opportunity to reach an even larger audience. That’s why it’s such a good idea to repurpose video content.

One of the best things about video content is that it provides the most opportunity for repurposing it in multiple ways across many different platforms. If you want to learn 30+ ways to repurpose video content, keep reading!

30+ Ways to Repurpose Video Content

1. Facebook Watch

The first few ways to repurpose video content are pretty simple because they simply involve re-sharing your video on other platforms that support long-form content. And one of the most obvious options is the most popular social media platform in the world: Facebook.

Facebook Watch (the section on Facebook that hosts video content) allows video content up to 240 minutes in length. To get the most reach on Facebook, you should always opt to upload your video natively rather than simply sharing a link. Most platforms, including Facebook, favor native content.

If you’ve spent much time on Facebook Watch, you’ve most likely come across videos that have been resized to square and include an eye-catching headline, as well as video captions. That’s because visual elements like this ensure that you get the most attention on a social media platforms where users are typically scrolling through their feed quickly. Adding captions and other visual elements is the best way to repurpose your video content for Facebook Watch. The good news? You can add all of those to your video in just a few clicks with Zubtitle.

2. Instagram Video

On Instagram, you can upload videos to your grid that are up to 60 minutes in length (keep in mind that the video preview in your feed will only last 60 seconds). But no matter how low your video is, your best bet is usually to share it in a vertical format (since vertical videos typically perform better). To do this, you’ll just have to resize and crop your video to the 9:16 aspect ratio.

Just like adding headlines and captions, this is a chore that you can take care of quickly and easily with Zubtitle. In fact, all it takes is one click. Zubtitle’s simple video editor provides all of the most common aspect ratios in a drop-down menu. All you have to do is select which one you want. 

3. YouTube

YouTube may be the largest and most popular video hosting platform, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that every video creator is posting their content there. In fact, there are many creators that focus solely on LinkedIn, IGTV, TikTok, and more. If that’s you, you probably want to consider adding your video content to YouTube. Not only can you take advantage of being found through YouTube’s search function (after all, it is the second largest search engine after Google) — you also have the potential to monetize your video content.

Pro tip: For YouTube, always use a standard widescreen version of your video.

4. Blog Post

Now let’s pivot a little. One of the best ways to repurpose video content is to turn it into written content. And one of the ways you can do that is by converting it to a blog post, which can be great for SEO. By using a tool like Duplikit, you can easily turn your visual content into written content. Duplikit will transcribe your video and convert it directly into a blog-ready format. It also provides some quick tools to help you clean up your text and add h1 and h2 headlines, images, and more. Don’t forget to embed your original video in the blog post when you publish it!

5. LinkedIn Article

Once you’ve turned your video into a blog post, it will only take you a couple of minutes to post your new blog as a LinkedIn Article. Sharing any written content you have as a LinkedIn article is a good idea because it demonstrates your authority on the platform without having to share a link. Like other platforms, LinkedIn prefers native content and the algorithm doesn’t favor content that will send users off-platform.

6. Quora Answer

You can also take excerpts of your blog post and use them to answer question on Quora. In case your don’t know, Quora is a Q&A platform that helps people find the answers to the internet's most pressing questions. And it’s very often included as a top 10 search result on Google. Answering questions on Quora can be another great way to build your authority and drive traffic your website or full-length content.

7. Podcast Episode

What’s also fantastic about video content is that it’s easy to repurpose video content as audio content. For instance: podcast episodes. Maybe you don’t have a podcast right now, but you’ve toyed with the idea of starting one. Well, here’s the good news: if you’re already producing great videos, then you’re already well on your way to starting a podcast.

By using Garageband or similar software, you can actually import a video to extract the audio, record your own custom podcast intro and outro, tack those on to the beginning and end, export your audio file, and before you know it… you’ve got your very own podcast episode. All you have to do is publish your podcast using a service like Anchor

8-12. Instagram Stories

Just like on your feed, you can also use Instagram Stories to repurpose video content. This is another easy way to end up with 5 pieces of content from just one original piece of video content. Although Stories are only 15 seconds in length, Instagram does allow you upload a 1-min clip and they will splice it up for you. Be sure to remember to resize your video to 9:16 vertical for Instagram Stories, if you haven’t already. 

13-17. Instagram Reels

If you spend much time on Instagram, you’re probably already pretty familiar with the concept of Instagram Reels. Basically, it’s the social media giant’s answer to TikTok. Instagram Reels can be up to 60 seconds long (which is convenient since that’s the same length limit as TikTok videos). Because of the short and snappy nature of Instagram Reels, this is the perfect place to share short videos (or “micro videos”).

To create micro pieces of content like this, it’s best to choose a longer video that has a few obvious points, so that it’s easier to naturally break up. If, for example, you take a video with 5 main points, you can then divide it into 5 separate videos to cover each point and post them at different times. That’s 5 new pieces of content that you just created from a single video.

18-22. TikTok

Again, here’s another easy way to create 5 pieces of micro video content with practically the snap of a finger. You can take micro-videos and post them on TikTok (or any of their competing platforms). Many creators share quick tip videos on this platform, so there’s a good chance that your individual video points can be repurposed on TikTok.

23-27. LinkedIn Videos

One of the best ways to take one long video and repurpose it into shorter micro video content is by sharing it on LinkedIn. While LinkedIn does allow native videos up to 10 minutes, the most successful ones clock around 2-3 minutes in length. If you resize your video to square and add subtitles and a headline, your videos will probably do well on this platform.

28-32. Twitter Videos

Twitter also has its own native video platform, allowing uploads up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds. So you’ll want to make sure you trim your video to that length. Again, by repurposing your full-length video into micro-videos, you’ll be sure to get at least 5 new videos to share on the platform.

What are your favorite ways to repurpose video content? Tell us in the comments!

And don’t forget to use Zubtitle for all of your video editing and optimizing needs! By using our one-stop tool, you won’t spend hours repurposing your video content into all of these different formats. You can trim your video to the correct length, adjust the aspect ratio, add a logo, include a headline, and caption your video in just a few clicks. Sign up for a free account today and start creating instantly.

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