How to Add Animated "Karaoke" Captions to Video

If you want to create video content that stands out, then it's time to add animated "karaoke" captions to your videos.

October 29, 2023
5 min read
How to add animated karaoke captions to video

We all know that video content is the reigning champ on social media these days. Even previously image-centric platforms like Instagram are changing their algorithms to favor video content. Whether your brand is most active on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or even LinkedIn, video content is a must. But with video content being more widely-used than ever before, you can’t just create and publish video content… you’ve got to create content that’s going to stand out from the crowd. And “karaoke” captions are a great way to do just that.

How to Add Animated "Karaoke" Captions to Video

You’ve probably seen videos here and there on social media with karaoke captions. Videos like this one 👇

Maybe you’ve wondered how you could replicate that look in your own videos. You may have assumed that anybody creating videos with karaoke-style captions is using expensive, complicated software or employing fancy video editing teams. And they may be. But here’s the secret… you don’t have to 🤫

If you want save yourself loads of time and add animated karaoke captions to your videos with just a couple of clicks, then you’re in luck. With Zubtitle, you can easily transcribe your audio into timed captions, animate those captions, and style your videos so they perform their best on social media — all in a few minutes. Just follow the simple walkthrough below:

1. Sign into Zubtitle

Or create a new account for free! 

2. Upload your video

Just click the yellow Add New Video button on the right-hand side of the screen. In just a few seconds, our state-of-the-art software will generate automated captions for your video!

Main Zubtitle dashboard

3. Go to the Text Motion menu

As soon as the video is uploaded, you’ll be automatically navigated to the Text Editor menu where you can view and edit your captions and headline. If you look at the menu on the right-hand side of the screen, you’ll see the Text Motion menu.

4. Add animated “karaoke” captions

Once you’ve clicked on the Text Motion menu, you’ll see a dropdown menu with two options for caption animation styles. The Appear option animates your captions to show up one after the other as you speak each word.

Adding animated karaoke captions with Zubtitle

OR you can choose the Highlight option, which adds a pop of color to each word, allowing you to customize both the Text and Fill colors. Whichever option you choose, you can preview the animation styles in real-time as you edit.

Adding karaoke captions to video with Zubtitle

5. Render your video

Once you’re happy with your animated karaoke-style captions, just resize your video for the platform you’ve chosen and it’s ready for download!

Pro tip: Don’t forget to use our Duplicate feature so you can easily resize and repurpose your content for other platforms!

Are you ready to add animated “karaoke” captions to your video?

Just log in! If you don’t have a Zubtitle account and you’re ready to start creating for FREE, sign up today!

And if you want to learn about creating top-performing video content, check out this video (and our Instagram):

Create your first video with Zubtitle

See why creators love using Zubtitle – start editing your videos risk free with two video credits on us!