How to Repurpose Video Content on Threads

Want to repurpose video content on Threads? We've got some ideas you can start using today!

October 29, 2023
5 min read
How to repurpose video content on Threads

You definitely know what Threads is by now… but are you taking advantage of it? This brand-new platform provides a huge opportunity to increase your reach and get your content in front of new eyes. But one problem that content creators may run into is questioning exactly what content to post on Threads. After all, we’re living in the age where video content is king. And if you’ve been creating lots of video content for your social media accounts, you may wonder how you can repurpose that video content on Threads. 

We’re here to give you a few ideas for repurposing all of that video content you’ve already created and giving it new life on Threads. Let’s get started!

How to Repurpose Video Content on Threads

Repurpose other social media videos

While Threads is a text-based platform, it’s not only about text-based content. Threads gives you the ability to upload images and videos, which means you should definitely take advantage of that opportunity. And one of the best ways to start churning out content on Threads with minimal effort is by simply repurposing videos that you’ve created for other social media platforms.

You can easily share Instagram Reels and other social media videos that you’ve created to Threads in just a few steps. There are actually a few different options when it comes to posting your Instagram Reels to Threads — check out this blog post for a detailed breakdown. You can also easily take any video content that you’ve already filmed and edit, optimize, and repurpose it with just a few clicks when you use Zubtitle

Turn your video content into text posts

Now that we’ve talked about repurposing your social media videos on Threads, let’s get into the type of content that the app is primarily based upon… text. Much like Twitter, Threads was designed to be a space where words reign supreme, where conversation and debate take center stage. So that means that you definitely need to be posting a certain amount of text-based content.

But that doesn’t you can’t still repurpose your video content! All you have to do is turn the audio in your video into text posts. And you don’t even have to do it on your own — that’s why we designed our A.I. social media post generator. With this tool, you an easily generate text-based social media posts (perfect for Threads) from your videos using artificial intelligence. Just upload your video to Zubtitle and generate text for social media posts instantly. 

Repurpose your video content as blog posts

Another great way to turn your social media videos into content that’s easily repurposable on Threads is by converting your video content into a blog post. When you upload your video to Zubtitle, you’ll automatically be able to generate a written transcript of your video. You can then easily take that written content and turn it into a blog post. If you want to make it even easier, you can always use a tool like Duplikit, which will transcribe your video and convert it directly into a blog-ready format. It also provides some quick tools to help you clean up your text and add h1 and h2 headlines, images, and more. 

Once you have your blog post, you can share that written content in full on any platform you choose. These days, there are so many options for long-form written content. You can upload your blog post directly to your website, share it in an email newsletter (like Substack), or post it as a LinkedIn article.

No matter what you choose to do with the full blog post, you can also repurpose that content on Threads. All you have to do is select some of the best pull quotes and share them as individual posts. Or you can take a longer chunk, break it up into multiple posts, and share them in a Thread (a post with a series of replies).

Do you want to repurpose video content on Threads?

Don’t forget to use Zubtitle’s editing and A.I. tools to optimize your videos and create text-based social media posts! Just log in or sign up today to start creating for FREE.

And if you want to learn more about repurposing video content, check out this video (and our Instagram):

Create your first video with Zubtitle

See why creators love using Zubtitle – start editing your videos risk free with two video credits on us!